Bite Feels Different After New Night Guard

4th Dec 2022

Bite Feels Different After New Night Guard

If your bite feels different after a new night guard, you may be worried. While these sensations could be completely normal, certain symptoms may need to be evaluated by your dentist. Use this guide to understand what’s normal and what to watch for after using a new mouth guard.

Bite Feels Different After new Night Guard

Is it Normal for my Bite to Feel Different After a new Night Guard?

When you first start wearing a night guard, it will take a little time to adjust to how it feels. In the beginning, you may notice that your bite feels different after a new night guard and when you remove the night guard in the morning. This sensation is completely natural, and your bite should feel normal again within a few hours.

As you adjust to wearing your night guard, you’ll want to watch for signs of potential problems with your bite. For example, you may notice:

  • Discomfort when you bite or chew
  • Trouble biting into food with your front teeth
  • Jaw pain
  • Swallowing difficulties
  • Speech changes, including a lisp
  • Difficulty touching your upper and lower teeth together

If you experience these signs, you should see your dentist for an evaluation as soon as possible. These issues could indicate an open bite, a dental condition that may require treatment with braces, retainers, or other dental appliances.

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Night Guard to Change Your Bite

What can Cause a Night Guard to Change Your Bite?

The most common causes of bite changes associated with night guards are the following:

  • Poor fit: Can a night guard shift your teeth? If your night guard is fitted incorrectly, it may push on your teeth. This could cause your teeth to shift, and it may create an open bite or other dental issues. Many over-the-counter night guards are boil-and-bite models that don’t provide a customized fit. A professional-quality night guard offers a custom fit that’s made for your mouth, so it’s less likely to cause bite changes.
  • Occlusal surface issues: The occlusal surface is the surface of your teeth that makes contact with the opposing teeth. It’s also known as the chewing surface of your teeth. Sometimes, a night guard that’s not correctly crafted may create uneven contact with the occlusal surface of your teeth, and cause your teeth to shift. This could change your bite.
  • An old night guard: Your teeth naturally move over time. If you try to wear an old night guard that you haven’t worn for a long time, it may not fit properly. Wearing it could cause pain, and it may alter your bite and the position of your teeth.


What to do if Your Night Guard is Changing Your Bite

If you find that your night guard is changing your bite, you may want to try these steps:

  • Bite Feels Different After new Night Guard: You should bring your night guard to your regular dental appointments. The dentist can check to see if it fits your teeth correctly, and he or she will also monitor your bite for any changes. If you have pain or notice any new or concerning symptoms, make sure to mention these to your dentist.
  • Get a custom-fitted night guard: A custom-fitted night guard is shaped to fit your teeth perfectly, and it provides a much more comfortable, secure fit than an over-the-counter night guard. Note that if you undergo any procedures that change the shape of your teeth, such as getting a crown on an implant, you’ll need to purchase a new night guard to ensure a perfect fit.
  • Try a different type of night guard: Switching to a night guard that’s made from a different material could help treat your bite changes. For example, if you’ve been wearing a hard night guard that’s made of acrylic material, switching to a hybrid night guard with a cushiony layer on the inside could improve your symptoms. Changing the placement of your night guard might be beneficial, too. If you normally wear a night guard on your upper teeth, you may want to change to wearing a night guard on your lower teeth instead. Since these alterations could impact your bruxism treatment, always consult your dentist before you switch your night guard.

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If your dentist recommends that you wear a night guard to treat bruxism, you may want to purchase yours from Pro Teeth Guard. We provide custom-fitted, comfortable night guards at affordable prices, and we deliver them to your door. Our night guards are made in a professional dental lab, and we offer a 110% money-back guarantee.

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Best Seller Hybrid Night Guard
Hybrid Night Guard

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  • Hard Outside, Soft Inside
  • 2MM Thick
  • Moderate / Heavy

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Hard Night Guard
Hard Night Guard

For Heavy Grinding

  • Most Durable
  • Hard Materials
  • 1.5MM Thick
  • Heavy / Severe

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  • HSA/FSA  eligible
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Ultra Thin Guard
Ultra Thin Guard

For Day Time Grinding

  • For Day Time Use
  • Thin, Barely Visible
  • 1MM Thick
  • Light / Moderate

For Day Time Grinding

Ultra Thin Guard

This ultra thin custom night guard is ideal for daytime teeth grinding and or clenching.

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  • HSA/FSA  eligible
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Soft Night Guard
Soft Night Guard

For Light Grinding

  • For Clenching
  • Flexible & Soft
  • 1.5MM Thick
  • Light / Moderate

For Light Grinding

Soft Night Guard

This soft custom night guard is for light to moderate teeth grinding. Also ideal for teeth clenching.

  • Soft material acts as a cushion for teeth clenching and grinding
  • Perfect fit and comfort, with a 110% Money Back Guarantee!
  • HSA/FSA  eligible
Shop Soft Night Guard

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