CBD for Bruxism
4th Jan 2020

In recent years, cannabidiol has caught the attention of the public and the interest of many medical researchers and health care providers. More commonly referred to as CBD, this component of the marijuana plant is often touted by people in the alternative health field as an effective treatment for an amazing array of illnesses and afflictions including anxiety and sleep. While some claims are currently speculative or supported only by anecdotal evidence, others have garnered some serious scientific backing. Could CBD for bruxism be a simple over-the-counter treatment option? Answering that question requires knowing something about not only bruxism but also CBD products and the potential benefits and drawbacks of CBD for bruxism.
CBD has become a relatively common treatment for anxiety and sleep disorders. Although there is limited research of CBD for bruxism, there are anecdotal success stories and recent studies which reveal a correlation between CBD use and reduction of bruxism/TMJ symptoms. People who have found relief generally report using CBD daily reduced both their teeth grinding and the painful side effects that resulted from the behavior. Recent studies on CBD have revealed its effectiveness as a treatment option for the symptoms of bruxism and TMJ.
Relevant studies and reviews of CBD include the following:
- There have been multiple studies on the use of CBD for chronic pain. The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine finds that there is conclusive evidence to support CBD’s advantages in treating chronic pain in adults.
- A study conducted in 2019 tested the effectiveness of CBD applied to jaw muscles of patients with TMJ. Researchers concluded that “The application of CBD formulation over masseter muscle reduced the activity of masseter muscles and improved the condition of masticatory muscles in patients with myofascial pain”. In other words, applying CBD to the jaw muscles effectively reduced jaw muscle pain and decreased jaw movement.
- CBD Clinicals outlines many studies and reviews of CBD. One such study found, “CBD had anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties that blocked osteoarthritis pain in rodents”. These antiinflammatory properties are the reason that CBD works as a treatment for bruxism and TMJ. This is beneficial for the gums and jaw muscle inflammation that commonly accompanies teeth grinding and jaw clenching.
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How might CBD benefit those suffering from bruxism? In theory, there are several potential ways in which cannabidiol improves bruxism pain:
- Since CBD is known to aid in the management of anxiety, it may aid those whose grinding and clenching motions are triggered by stress by helping them manage their anxiety and tension. Addressing the root cause of teeth grinding is the best way to improve the condition.
- CBD's capacity for reducing inflammation, halting spasms and relaxing tense muscles could also help ease the strain on the temporomandibular joint and the jaw muscles, effectively treating both bruxism and TMJ disorders that often accompany it.
- CBD is thought to aid those battling chronic pain by calming pain receptors, so it could combat the discomfort and sensitivity associated with bruxism.
- Good sleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, and bruxism is known to interfere with sleep. Multiple studies indicate that CBD helps people sleep better. Sleep Foundation states, “preliminary research suggests CBD can help with a number of sleep disorders” by reducing anxiety and cortisol levels.
While there have been studies which have found CBD to be successful in treating pain, it is a supplement, not a medication. As such, it is not yet FDA approved. As such, you rely on the manufacturers' reports of their CBD product’s safety, purity, and strength.
CBD products can be applied in many ways for various forms of treatment. So, which works best for bruxism or TMJ? This is mainly a matter of personal preference.
CBD can be used and applied in various ways. Some people have found success in applying CBD cream directly to the pain point. For those suffering from TMJ, CBD cream can be directly applied to a sore jaw and/or a sore neck and back.
CBD Oils are one of the most common forms of cannabidiol. You can place a few drops under the tongue or add some to your food and drink. As CBD becomes more common, other forms of this supplement become available. “CBD may also be ingested via CBD gelcaps, soft gels, pills, edibles, [tinctures] and gummies. The advantage of these formats is that users may take consistent doses or monitor how much CBD they have taken” (Clark 2021). It is even possible to vape CBD oils now as well, though vaping has adverse side effects on the lungs.
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While some believe CBD holds promise as a treatment for bruxism, it is far from the only option available. There are several time-tested treatment options that can be effective in combating teeth grinding and clenching:
- Mouth guards and splints are a simple, affordable, and effective way to stop sleep bruxism in its tracks. Also called occlusal guards or bite guards, they protect the teeth from the wear and tear of repetitive grinding and hold the jaw in a healthy position when worn overnight. For those concerned about comfort, a custom night guard crafted from an impression of the patient's teeth is a great choice.
- Relaxation, massage and stress-management techniques like exercise or meditation are often recommended when stress is the trigger of bruxism.
- Medications like anti-inflammatories may be suggested to ease the pain of bruxism. Sometimes, muscle relaxers are prescribed to reduce the tension in the jaw muscles. In a similar vein, Botox injections can be used to temporarily weaken the jaw muscles and reduce teeth grinding.
Doctors suspect that a mix of physical, psychological and genetic factors may all be involved. Although bruxism's exact trigger remains unclear, certain risk factors have been identified. For example, individuals who are hyperactive, people with Type A personalities, and those who are experiencing high levels of stress seem to be more likely to engage in grinding or clenching of the teeth. Over time, this behavior might spur the development of bruxism. Some medications and medical conditions can also increase a person's risk of developing the issue. In addition, having relatives who struggle with the condition can raise an individual's risk of battling bruxism. Fortunately, there are several treatments available to help those confronted with this condition.
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Teeth grinding and jaw clenching may seem like minor issues, but they can cause serious discomfort and dental destruction. Why suffer unnecessarily with headaches, earaches, jaw pain, and sensitive teeth when effective treatments are readily available? Research reveals that CBD is a viable treatment option for various kinds of pain relief.
If you believe bruxism may be at the root of your pain or insomnia, don't tough it out. At Pro Teeth Guard, we take pride in helping people find relief from bruxism. Crafted from high-quality materials, our custom-fitted dental night guards deliver impressive comfort, effective protection and fantastic value.
- Clark, S. (2021). Best CBD Oil for TMJ disorders. CBD Clinicals. https://cbdclinicals.com/best-cbd-oil-for-tmj-disorders/
- Mona, B. (2021). CBD for TMJ: Can it help your pain? Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/cbd-for-tmj
- Nitecka-Buchta, A., Nowak-Wachol, A., Wachol, K., Walczyńska-Dragon, K., Olczyk, P., Batoryna, O., Kempa, W., & Baron, S. (2019). Myorelaxant Effect of Transdermal Cannabidiol Application in Patients with TMD: A Randomized, Double-Blind Trial. Journal of clinical medicine, 8(11), 1886. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm8111886
- Pacheco, D. (2021). Is cannabidiol a safe and effective sleep aid? Sleep Foundation. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/how-sleep-works/cbd-and-sleep
- Sybertz, A. (2021). CBD for dental pain, anxiety, and problems: Does it work? The Healthy. https://www.thehealthy.com/dental/cbd-for-dental-pain-and-anxiety/
- Vučković, S. et al. (2018). Cannabinoids and pain: New insights from old molecules. Frontiers. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2018.01259/full

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