Night Guard For Bottom Teeth: Pros And Cons
29th Nov 2020
A mouth guard protects your teeth and jaw from the effects of teeth grinding (bruxism). When you find out you need a night guard, the question is: should you get a night guard for bottom teeth or upper teeth? It might seem logical to wear a dental night guard on both sets of teeth, but that is not recommended, and can even be harmful.
When faced with the decision, many people choose to wear a lower nightguard.
Why Mouth Guard Wearers Choose Night Guard for Bottom Teeth vs. Upper Teeth
There aren’t many differences between upper and lower night guards other than which set of teeth you place them on — they are typically made out of the same material. People choose to wear a night guard on their lower jaw for a few reasons, including:
- Gag Reflex: For people with a strong gag reflex, a lower night guard is often more comfortable because it doesn’t touch the roof or the mouth, which can trigger the gag reflex.
- Better Fit: While a night guard on either set of teeth should fit very snugly, gravity can help keep a lower night guard in all night, especially if the fit isn’t as tight as it should be.
- More Comfortable: According to “Koren Family Dental”, lower night guards are typically tolerated better; “users reported that a lower nightguard feels better than the upper nightguard which irritates when touched with the tongue.”
Despite these benefits of lower night guards, there are also some reasons a lower night guard might not be a great fit for you:
- Tongue Placement: Some people feel as though a lower night guard gets in the way of their tongue. These people might be more comfortable and feel like they can breathe easier with an upper night guard.
- Familiarity: If you’re used to wearing a mouthguard for sports on your upper teeth, you might me more comfortable with an upper guard because you’re already used to that feeling.
The other main consideration when choosing a night guard is the position of any retainers, dental implants, dentures, or other dental work. For example, if you have veneers on your top front teeth, an upper night guard might protect them better.
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Availability of Night Guard for Bottom Teeth Depending on Type
You can generally find very similar night guards for both upper and lower teeth. The availability and ease of finding each type may vary, however.
- Over-the-counter/ one-size-fits-all night guards might not be as available for bottom teeth as they are for top teeth.
- Similarly, boil-and-bite hot water night guards, which are also available over-the-counter at stores like Amazon or Walgreens, may not be available for both upper and lower teeth.
- Custom night guards, however, are fabricated in a dental lab, so they can be made to be a perfect fit for either your upper or lower teeth.
Upper and lower night guards are both available in forms of soft night guard, hard night guard, or hybrid (dual-laminate) night guard.
- Most Popular
- Hard Outside, Soft Inside
- 2MM Thick
- Moderate / Heavy
- Most Durable
- Hard Materials
- 1.5MM Thick
- Heavy / Severe
- For Day Time Use
- Thin, Barely Visible
- 1MM Thick
- Light / Moderate
- For Clenching
- Flexible & Soft
- 1.5MM Thick
- Light / Moderate
Importance of Mouthguards for the Oral Health of Teeth Grinders
No matter which type of night guard you choose to protect your teeth from teeth grinding and clenching, the important thing is that you get one. According to Melissa Leone DDS, “Nightguards are an easy way to prevent the wear and damage that teeth-grinding cause over time.”
When you clench and grind your teeth, your jaw muscles can become sore, you can develop sensitive teeth, and you can even develop problems with your temporomandibular joint. This may lead to jaw pain and dysfunction known as TMJ.
Protecting your teeth from bruxism is key to avoiding broken teeth and orthodontic work. Additionally, bruxism can be a sign of sleep apnea, so while it’s imperative you begin protecting your teeth as soon as possible, you should also speak to your primary care provider about sleep apnea.
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Choosing a Night Guard
There are many reasons to choose a lower night guard: they trigger the gag reflex less than upper splints, they’re less likely to fall out, and they’re typically tolerated better. Once you’ve made a decision about which type of night guard is best for you, Pro Teeth Guard can help create a comfortable and cost-effective guard.
At Pro Teeth Guard, you can get a custom-fit mouthguard at an affordable price. We make our night guards in a professional dental lab, and every night guard is guaranteed to fit comfortably with our 110% money-back guarantee.
- Most Popular
- Hard Outside, Soft Inside
- 2MM Thick
- Moderate / Heavy
- Most Durable
- Hard Materials
- 1.5MM Thick
- Heavy / Severe
- For Day Time Use
- Thin, Barely Visible
- 1MM Thick
- Light / Moderate
- For Clenching
- Flexible & Soft
- 1.5MM Thick
- Light / Moderate