What Is The Night Guard Dental Insurance Code?
30th Jan 2021

When you decide to purchase a dental night guard for bruxism from an online retailer, you’ll need to put in a little extra legwork if you want your insurance company to pitch in. Insurance companies use Current Dental Terminology (CDT) codes to identify dental procedures and appliances. When you submit an insurance claim for your night guard, you’ll need the correct CDT code for the type of night guard you purchased.
If you have yet to purchase your night guard, contact your insurance company or check your dental benefits before doing so to make sure that your dental insurance covers night guards. Additionally, some plans may have restrictions on where you can get your appliance.
CDT Dental Insurance Codes For Night Guards
The latest CDT dental insurance codes for night guards (occlusal guard) are broken into three different categories:
- For hard appliance, full arch, the code is D9944
- For soft appliance, full arch, the code is D9945
- For hard appliance, partial arch, the code is D9946
CDT codes are dental codes generated by the American Dental Association (ADA). Each dental or oral procedure has a specific, universal code that keeps documentation consistent. These codes make procedure reporting and insurance claims efficient, and they limit erroneous reporting as well as the need for additional documentation from dental offices.
Previously, occlusal guards had just one code, but in 2019, the ADA updated the code to include three different types of night guards for teeth grinding. This allows for more descriptive and accurate procedure reporting. The updated codes can also lead to quicker payment of your claim.
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How Night Guards Are Categorized For Insurance
Because night guards are split into three categories, you’ll need to know which category your appliance fits into before filing your insurance claim. Using the incorrect code may result in your claim being denied.
- A hard night guard that covers all of your teeth on either your upper or lower jaw is classified as a hard appliance, full arch.
- A soft night guard that covers all of your teeth on either your upper or lower jaw is classified as a soft appliance, full arch.
- A hybrid night guard that is hard on the outside but softer on the inside and covers all of your teeth on either your upper or lower jaw is classified as a hard appliance, full arch.
- A hard night guard that only covers some of your teeth on either your upper or lower jaw is classified as a hard appliance, partial arch.
- A hybrid night guard that is hard on the outside but softer on the inside and covers only some of your teeth on either your upper or lower jaw is classified as a hard appliance, partial arch.

- Most Popular
- Hard Outside, Soft Inside
- 2MM Thick
- Moderate / Heavy

- Most Durable
- Hard Materials
- 1.5MM Thick
- Heavy / Severe

- For Day Time Use
- Thin, Barely Visible
- 1MM Thick
- Light / Moderate

- For Clenching
- Flexible & Soft
- 1.5MM Thick
- Light / Moderate
Because there is only one dental code for soft night guards, finding the correct code is relatively simple. If you have a hard (acrylic) or hybrid night guard, be sure you choose the correct code from the list and descriptions above. A hybrid night guard will always be classified as a hard appliance by the ADA because the hard part of the night guard is on the occlusal surface.
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The Bottom Line
Entering the correct night guard code on your dental insurance claim ensures your claim will be processed correctly and efficiently. Speak to your insurance provider if you are confused about the claims process or if you have any questions while filing your claim.
A night guard for bruxism to protect your teeth is well worth the effort of filing an insurance claim. A mouth guard will protect your teeth from damage such as cracking or chipping, and it can eliminate bruxism symptoms such as headaches or jaw pain. Pro Teeth Guard offers custom-fit mouth guards online for an affordable price. Our night guards are made in a professional dental lab using professional materials and processes. Save on a professional quality night guard by shopping online at Pro Teeth Guard.

- Most Popular
- Hard Outside, Soft Inside
- 2MM Thick
- Moderate / Heavy

- Most Durable
- Hard Materials
- 1.5MM Thick
- Heavy / Severe

- For Day Time Use
- Thin, Barely Visible
- 1MM Thick
- Light / Moderate

- For Clenching
- Flexible & Soft
- 1.5MM Thick
- Light / Moderate